Collective bargaining in Catalonia (in Catalan)

Various authors, Barcelona: CTESC, 2006.

The study of collective bargaining in Catalonia offers a view of Catalan collective bargaining and, therefore, its object of analysis it is a representative sample of collective agreements in force in Catalonia between 2003 and the first quarter of 2004. The construction of the representative sample of agreements was commissioned to a sociologist who, based on several objective criteria such as the level of bargaining, the sector of activity, the territorial scope, the number of workers affected by the agreement, the number of companies covered by the agreement or the kind of sector —public or private—, carried a selection of agreements that was representative of the Catalan collective bargaining reality. Regarding collective agreements covered in the study, these refer to individual companies and sector organisations, both at the provincial and interprovincial level, the regional or the state level, without considering the public officials’ collective agreements, enterprise agreements or other types of documents.

– Chapter “Construcció de la mostra representativa”.